The Purchase - Update screen appears once you select a given purchase. (For ex., if you click on ***Purchases |
Browse*** and choose an item.)

The purchase number on the upper left side of the screen shot is identical to the
stock number.

Clicking on the supplier field triggers a view of your
contacts  when you select the supplier's name.

TYPE and ATTRIBUTE specifies the type of rough diamonds

The polished form contains standard
specifications for polished diamonds.

Weight is the parcel’s weight.

The “
#” field is the number of stones.

Price is the price per carat. When this is filled then  Amount is automatically recalculated.

Conversely when the
Amount field is filled, then the Price field is recalculated.

Date is the date of purchase.

Days indicates the number of days until  payment is due. When this is filled then Due Date is recalculated, and conversely.

info can contain any verbose comment.

To submit your changes click  
Save. If all required fields have been properly entered then the system will ask for  

If funds have been remitted with relation to the current purchase then a window appears below the purchase data with the
consecutive payments and the overall balance for the purchase.
Purchase - Update